I think you will find this web site very helpful.I know I have.My boyfriend of 20 years Jerry was Dx in late May.He has a pot and a peg.He had his 2nd rad tx today.He will start chemo in July.He lost his job just as we were finding out about the cancer, then my mother ( who has vascular dementia)came live with us.The last few weeks has been fun and games.Jerry has a positive attitude and refuses to worry.Thats left uo to me.I myself am disabled( LPN for 17 years)I have MS.I have my moments of depression but I get over it.I take one day at a time and think positive.What else can I do ? Sit down and cry hell I dont have time.I do have a close friend whom I talk with daily and she helps alot by just listening.I log onto this site every few days and learn something everytime.We know what to expect and we are ready for it.HANG IN THERE