Re: Newbie 2x survivor Nels 03-21-2025 06:33 PM
Hi Derek,
Welcome to OCF forum and thank you for reaching out. I am so sorry to hear of your 2x cancer experience. About 5 years ago, I went through similar procedure to your recent one. And, even though my team prepared me for waking up with nasal feeding tube, neck dissection, flap surgery, arm and leg transplants, etc, it was still shocking. Amazing how long it took just to get out of bed and go for a short walk around the hallways. And, I had a family to help me once I got home. I recommend a book that may help you - Anticancer by David Servan-Schreiber.
I am curious, your first time through, did you get any follow up treatment such as radiation or chemo? How about this time?
Stay safe and keep the faith,