| New Posters read this FIRST
Please start here to learn more about The Oral Cancer Foundation Support Forum.
01-17-2013 02:27 PM ChristineB |
| 01-17-2013 02:27 PM by ChristineB |
| Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's)
These are threads selected out of the tens of thousands of topic threads discussed on the message boards that contain content which answers some of the most common questions of new posters to the board. THIS IS A READ ONLY FORUM. If you would like to recommend that a particular thread be added to this forum, please notify an administrator.
| 04-04-2009 02:23 PM by Mark |
| Introduce yourself (4 viewing)
Introduce yourself to the forum, or offer help. This forum is the ideal starting place for a new poster to the board.
02-13-2025 01:50 PM ChrissyP |
| 02-13-2025 01:50 PM by ChrissyP |
| General Board (2 viewing)
You can talk about anything here that doesn't fall into one of the forum topics below. Please check the other forums as an appropriate place to post before posting something here.
| 01-19-2025 04:31 AM by Paan |
| Symptoms and Diagnosis (8 viewing)
If you have questions about symptoms or your diagnosis, this is the forum to start in
02-13-2025 11:20 PM ChrisCQ |
| 02-13-2025 11:20 PM by ChrisCQ |
| Coping / Anger and Fear (1 viewing)
Discuss the emotional part of dealing with OC as a patient or a family member
10-31-2023 03:41 AM JamesD |
| 10-31-2023 03:41 AM by JamesD |
| Medications, Treatment, Procedures (2 viewing)
Discuss medications, treatment, procedures here. Want to know how others have handled medications and treatments as well as their side effects? This is the place.
| 02-19-2025 11:08 AM by dsd |
| Currently in Treatment
Post here if you are currently in treatment and have questions or wish to update the members on your progress.
04-06-2023 12:50 PM live-a-bit |
| 04-06-2023 12:50 PM by live-a-bit |
| After Treatment Issues - immediate post treatment (2 viewing)
This forum is for discussion of those problems and issues that linger after treatment, usually effects of the treatment itself. This is the short term, forum for those issues, in the fist year or two after treatment
12-17-2024 03:39 AM MaineWill |
| 12-17-2024 03:39 AM by MaineWill |
| Long-Term physical and QOL Issues related to treatment
This is a forum for those experiencing physical issues which manifest themselves years after completion of treatments, and are essentially quality of life compromising physical issues brought on by the treatments themselves.
01-27-2025 01:54 PM Bowser |
| 01-27-2025 01:54 PM by Bowser |
| Eating, Speech, Swallowing, and Alternative Feeding (1 viewing)
This forum is to discuss all the issues that go along with compromised eating and speech issues during and after treatment. Discussion of issues such as strictures, dysphagia, PEG systems, and nutritional issues are main topics here. NOTE: Much of this has been discussed on these boards before this forum. Search all forums for previous posts when looking for information
09-25-2024 07:34 PM RiverChuck |
| 09-25-2024 07:34 PM by RiverChuck |
| Caregiver / Co-Survivor Forum (1 viewing)
Family members and caretakers can discuss their own personal issues and find support here. Caretakers have their own fears and problems that are often better discussed with someone other than the patient.
03-14-2022 10:54 PM Brian Hill |
| 03-14-2022 10:54 PM by Brian Hill |
| Insurance and Financial Forum
Disscuss third party payment of cancer care, and financial issues here
| 09-17-2024 06:47 PM by Nels |
| Oral Cancer Recurrence (1 viewing)
This forum is to gather the individuals who have been dealt the hard hand of dealing with a recurrence of the disease, the unique emotional issues that accompany that, and the issues related to re treatment
| 01-17-2025 03:56 PM by dsd |
| Activism
What are the issues related to OC? Discuss ways of changing things, and getting the word out. Discuss oral cancer events and planning for them here as well.
11-19-2020 04:36 PM Dizz_zzey |
| 11-19-2020 04:36 PM by Dizz_zzey |
| Adjunctive Therapy
Here the discussiuon of therapies outside the realm of curative, conventional medicine are discussed. Note: these are not ALTERNATVE therapies. No linking to other sites from this forum please
04-27-2021 05:30 PM Berta Flores |
| 04-27-2021 05:30 PM by Berta Flores |
| Left Behind. For those who have lost their loved one.
The is essentially a second caregivers forum. It is for those who have been the caregiver to a loved one who was taken by this disease. The formation of this forum/group was a direct request from those who felt their discussions may disturb those just beginning the fight.
01-23-2022 09:36 PM Michael Young |
| 01-23-2022 09:36 PM by Michael Young |