Jon, I've just been reading this thread. I have only dealt with this as a caregiver to my Mom but wanted to pass along my best wishes for you as you go through this tough journey. My mother did not get a port - it was not offered to her. We definitely learned a lesson there as it would have made it so much easier for her. Towards the end of her treatment they had an extremely hard time getting into her veins. She did have a PEG inserted after dropping to 94 lbs. and losing her swallowing capability to the point where they were concerned she would aspirate. She is now maintaining and is up to 96 lbs. I have to say that you have certainly come to a wonderful place for advice. There are so many people here who can and are helping you. Thank goodness there is a place like this. Keep gathering the helpful info and caring support. Be positive!!!

CG/Mom: 5 1/2 years SCC upper palate,4 recurrences, surgeries, chemo & radiation. Mom went to Heaven 1/21/11.