Weird stray from the issue here. People would prefer t work in my mind. MAny have seen the hoplessness of how our economy changed in the 70s. Corporations kept the money that was normally shared with emplyees and it hasn't changed. We are forced to live beyond our means and in debt to have the things our parents had. It can become a hopeless state. Single Payer Health and get the Money out of Politics is my space.

Age 52, T2 N0 M0 SCC of left anterior floor of mouth. Esophagoscopy, Direct laryngoscopy, Resection of left anterior FOM lesion w/ lateral tongue. left selective neck dissection levels I-IV. 5x6cm skin graft coverng excision. Finished 33-35 rad Tx. False recurrence 12-22-10 last surgery 2-15-10