Well I have endured the first week of Radiation I have been feeling very sick most of the time so they changed my nausea tables to stronger and much more expensive ones called Nasea 0.1 mg Antiemetic 5- HT3 Tablets, RAMOSETRONE 500 baht each here. but I just could not stand feeling sick all the time and I am now able to eat before I did not eat for three days the sight of food made me felt ;like pucking, and as for the Build up drinks I had one of those and was sick as a dog so now I hate them.

The other problem I am having is the extra large lymph node now and pushing against a nerve in my head and giving me horrendous head aches at night so I can sleep do I�m taking synthetic morphine for that and ARCOXIA plus TYKENOL with CODENE when I told the doctor I was taking 2 Tylenol ever 2 hours 24 hours a day he freaked saying it will kill your liver.

so 6 weeks to go.

They have now decided to not give me 15 of the chemo over 3 days X 2 weekly treatments.

As I need to work they will start next Wednesday with 5 per week for maybe 6 weeks not so many after effects I hope. has any one else had it this way.

So now I have to get all my strength up for Wednesday the first 4 hour treatment.

What are the after effects can any tell me of this lighter regime.

Thanks for any help. I was so worried about not eating or drinking for 3 days, Im glad I went to Sizzlers yesterday and had some soup and salade, with jelly and fruit, it broke the problem that I thought I was going to be sick and I was not.

Last edited by Teacher jon; 11-14-2009 10:07 PM.

"Base of Tongue Cancer", may be HPV cancer. swollen lymph nodes, half the tongue base Now T2/3 N2 MRI scan and simulation mask, 4 Chemo/35 rad of 35. Tumors gone. can eat. MRI April 19th , Nodes now all gone, was 6 cm, weight GAIN to 81 kg but found 2.1 grey area on MRI. Biopsy next.