Funny you should mention the British Embassy it was their representative who told me he has quite a few similar people, who went back to have to wait at least 6 months to see a doctor, as the new rules say if you have been out of the Country more than 3 months you have to pay, as they have had enough or people abusing the system.

Mac Millian only help with filling in financial forms, can not help with money and thats only when I get to the Uk.

Yes I have look at most Avenues. The British Embassy is one of the only ones, who do not get involved with personal problems Germany and other yes.

Thank you for your kind Imput.

Teacher Jon

Last edited by Teacher jon; 10-21-2009 09:03 AM.

"Base of Tongue Cancer", may be HPV cancer. swollen lymph nodes, half the tongue base Now T2/3 N2 MRI scan and simulation mask, 4 Chemo/35 rad of 35. Tumors gone. can eat. MRI April 19th , Nodes now all gone, was 6 cm, weight GAIN to 81 kg but found 2.1 grey area on MRI. Biopsy next.