Thanks Ned, I'm sure your right. I am sensitive still and trying so hard to get my life back. I guess when they say that to me, it's reinforcing what I'm thinking in the back of my head, yet trying so hard not to admit. So if that's the case, how do you move on? I often ask myself the tough question of, "If I was cancer free and I met a man that said, "I had cancer two years ago", how would I feel about getting involved with that person. Would I be afraid to get involved with someone that might have a reaccurrance? Would I want to risk loosing that person? The worse question of all is, would I simply be selfish and say, "I don't want all that baggage"!! I have got all those reactions and more. I try not to judge these individuals, yet, it makes me feel as if I have the C word tattooed on my forhead

I was 42 when diagnose two years ago, smoker, light alcohol use, partial gossectomy, left neck dissection, peg, 7-09 IMRT, no chemo deemed nesseccary, 3-2011 HBO.