I think this falls into this category - I found myself speechless at the time but of course thought of a good response driving home afterwards. At the pharmacy window dropping off 4 MORE scripts the other night, the clerk noticed that the scripts were from Siteman Cancer Center and asked me what type of cancer Mike has. Then, she said, "Is it bad?" After a blank stare and a few blink, blinks, I said, "yeah, its pretty bad." In hindsight, what I WISH I'd said was, "Oh no, its a GOOD KIND OF CANCER he has."

In Christine's case - I missed the post but I hope that guy felt bad afterward and hope he learned something.


Caregiver/wife to Mike, age 48 used chewing tobacco - quit
SCC BOT T2N3M0 Diagnosed Dec 29, 09 HPV+
L ND Jan 7 removed 31 nodes, 6 positive Bilat mets neck
Siteman Cancer Center
Port in Jan 27, Peg in Mar 3
IC 28 Jan & 18 Feb - TPF
CRT Cisplatin x3 start March 10th