RE being an inspiration: I agree w Theresa that these people just don't understand what really goes on in our war both physically and emotionally for those with OC and for their caregivers and families. I am particularly sorry for the children involved.
I don't feel that being a victim is inspiring.
If we can be an inspiration it is to encourge others to be aware of the causes of OC, to have regular proper dental checkups and not to ignore the symptoms. We can encourage activism in these endeavors and support the OCF in fundraising and publicity campaigns. We can inform others that this is survivable, even the brutal treatments.

SCC stage II Partial mandibulectomy w. neck dissection- July 2005. Renal cancer w. partial nephrectomy-Jan 2004. Breast cancer discovered in routine mammogram. Successful lumpectomy, sentinal nodes clear, RT only-2008 Reconstruction of mandible w fibula free flap-Jan 09. TORS removal of begnin pappiloma from esophagus-2010. Masectomy,rt breast 2013.
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