In a similar vein,about 2 months after I finished treatment I was at a board meeting for a community group for which I serve as a Director. One of the other directors was talking about how a guy he has had a bunch of battles with over the years had been recently diagnosed with terminal cancer. (Keep in mind that all of the members knew about my battle). He blurts ourt: "Serves him right. Cancer is God's way of punishing people for their sins." Really??? Geez, I knew I smoked and drank a little, but that's a tad harsh, don't ya think?

SCC Right BOT Dx 3/28/2007
T2N2a M0G1,Stage IVa
Bilateral Neck Dissection 4/11/2007
39 x IMRT, 8 x Cisplatin Ended 7/11/07
Complete response to treatment so far!!