OK I am finally going to post something here. It's been a long time. Don't you just hate it when your COBRA insurance runs out and the only insurance left available to you for purchase is a HIPPA policy and it actually costs more per month then the disability check you are receiving because you can no longer work. God forbid what do we have to do to survive while fighting this ugly disease and all the pieces of the new "Normal".

CG to daughter Brandy age 31 initial dx 10/06
SCC T4N0M0 with bone invasion upper maxillary
Surgery 10/06
CT's clear for 2 years

2nd recurrence - Laser surgery 1/09 dx
Tumor board - No surgery to invasive for QOL
35 IMRT 3/30/09 Completed 5/15/09
8 tx Erbitux 3/24/09 Completed 5/6/09