When I told my sister that my radiation that was due to start November 16th probably wouldn't get going until the next week, she very casually told me that her husband, whose first wife died of cancer, said that was the exact reason that she died - her treatments kept getting delayed. Thanks a lot for the vote of confidence.

Other people seem obligated to tell me about people they know who found out they had cancer and died two weeks later. Thanks for telling me - lol.

BOT-SCC Partial glossectomy 7/16/09.
Stage IV, Rt ND 10/2/09.
Teeth out 11/5/09.
Port/peg in, 11/20/09.
7 wks rad & chemo, end 1/22/10
lung, colon biopsies 1/9/11 - both cancer
colon resect surg 1/10/11
Folfox + Avastin - discontinued 6/11
lung surgery 3/13/12, 5/1/12
mets to liver and bones
passed away 9/4/13