I also had thrush several times. My did not show up until 5-6 weeks into the action. I think where it bother me the most was after treatment. I was not feeling well, working some, putting off calling the Dr and did not pay attention to my body. Then I would need to call and get a script. I would have a funny taste and white patches.I responded well to Diflucan.

Bill Van Horn-53 ex-smoker, social drinker, Biopsy 8/24, Diagnosed 8/30/07 BOT T2N2-B MX Stage IV. Started treatments 10/1/07. IMRT 35 x, Cisplatin - 3 cycles - completed treatment 11/16/07. CT Scans on 1/15/08 all clear Selective neck dissection 1/28/08. All nodes clear.