I was an early morning radiation person. I was the first one on the machine every day at 6am (it was so my husband could bring me and still go to work after). I liked that because I was still pretty out of it from getting up so early and I would sleep through treatments (not so much at the end though) and then I would come back home and sleep for a good while. I also had my chemo on Mondays at their first time slot (8am) so that way I would have my afternoons open to go see a movie or do something outside of the house because my husband would take all day off on Mondays - and nobody goes to day time movies!

Stephanie, 23, SCC on the right side of my tongue, surgery on 5-19-08, over half my tongue removed, free flap constructed from my forearm, bilateral neck dissection, one positive node. Radiation (32) and chemo (carboplatin) started on 6-16-08. Recurrence 4/09 in lungs.

**** Stephanie passed away 12.15.09.... RIP our dear friend****