I did get a TON of things accomplished around the house yesterday. SO many laundry loads, then took our bed apart to remove the frame. I'd convinced him to spend some time in the family room recliner while I got the linens changed. While he napped, I went to work making the area a little safer for his falls that are bound to happen. My son and I managed to get his wheelchair up the mercifully few steps to the main level of the house, and as soon as he entered the room he started cussing the changes. Well, he was sure singing a different tune when I mentioned it's a lot closer to the floor for when he dives for it head first!
We seem to be combatant a lot still. It sucks, but I will remember the better times once we get through this.
The social worker came today and we filled out medical POA and advanced directives today. It took a very long time to. While he started out cohesive, he quickly went downhill and started taking apart the poor mans binder wanting to know what "secret" forms he was REALLY signing, and talked about some person in England that was listening to everything... Oh dear!
He is sleeping now. I read some of the booklets that the hospice company left in their folder regarding end stages etc. he is already showing signs expected in those with less than a month remaining.
On one hand it's all so fast. On the other, it's been a very long three years.

CG to my husband, Matt. Dx June 2009 Stage IV Oropharengeal SCC right tonsil primary with distant metastases. Rad to neck- Surgeries to lungs- Every avail chemo - ran out of options Jan 2012, called for hospice help Feb 2012, at rest March 19, 2012.