i am completely overreacting. I know this. He loves me, he needs me. So it's got to be something that he thinks I can't bear, or that he fears will make me think less of him.

Today he seems mentally clear, but unable to identify things right in front of him.
His glasses, his crutch... I had to point them out to be found.

I suppose that a met could have already made it to his brain.
This ticking of time goes by so swiftly when there's only so much left.

CG to my husband, Matt. Dx June 2009 Stage IV Oropharengeal SCC right tonsil primary with distant metastases. Rad to neck- Surgeries to lungs- Every avail chemo - ran out of options Jan 2012, called for hospice help Feb 2012, at rest March 19, 2012.