OK, I am going to try to explain a little about what I think I understand regarding "Positive Closure" and include a little diagram I have drawn if I can upload it. Where are the people who must have had this procedure? Charm posted some info about this procedure but I can,t find it.

When I went to Emory Univ. They wanted to remove my tongue and voice box. As I later understood there was nothing wrong with the voice box but by removing both they could eliminate the problems I might have with aspiration. I am still looking forward to hearing about those here who have flaps and what problems they have with aspiration. Based upon Emorys plan I went to Sloan Kettering and Univ. of Pitt to look at options.

At Sloan there was no mention of removing my tongue or voice box and they said the voice box was fine. What they suggested was this "positive closure" approach with flap as a backup if needed. The Doctor drew me a little diagram. What they would do is cut out the tumor. They would then stretch and rotate the tongue to fill the cutout. The tongue would be shorter and speach problems would have to be overcome but there was no mention of aspiration problems. This procedure just sounds better to me.

If anyone can add more here that would be GREAT.

PS: Is there a way to add/upload a jpeg to a post? If there is I cannot find it.

Last edited by nocam; 01-30-2013 12:34 PM.

2010 sore throat
Jan 2011 ENT no prob
Jun CAT no prob
July PET
July biop pos
July PEG

HPI (1-3) T2N1 squamous cell carcinoma right tongue base treatment chemo/XRT end Oct 2011.
Jan 2012 PET neg
June PET-18mm mass right tongue base pos to 7.2 SUV no nodes pos
July MRI.
July bio pos