
Thanks for responding. I see that you are about the same as I-T2N1. I don't think I have "MO" whatever that is. As I understand it I am BOT but I do not know if it spread beyound that point for I just assumed that was tongue. How much of your tongue was removed? Was it rebuilt with skin from another part of you body. I am sure I did not explain what I understood before very well and this may not be much better. The Doctor drew me a diagram which was easy to follow. The diagram shows a horizontal portion of the tongue being removed. In the void that remains instead of filling in with skin from the arm etc (I guess thats a flap) the tongue would be streched and rotated then stiched to the remaining tongue to fill the void. As a result the tongue would be shorter. There would be some speach deficiancy for the tongue would not reach the teeth. Is this perhaps the way your surgery was done and therefore causing the occassional lisp? This type of sergery is new to me but just about all surgery is new to me including some sort of flap approach.

Do you know who the lady is that had +-5 radiation treatments? I would like to talk to her, as well as anyone else, about their experience with treatments beyound one and Cyberknife.

2010 sore throat
Jan 2011 ENT no prob
Jun CAT no prob
July PET
July biop pos
July PEG

HPI (1-3) T2N1 squamous cell carcinoma right tongue base treatment chemo/XRT end Oct 2011.
Jan 2012 PET neg
June PET-18mm mass right tongue base pos to 7.2 SUV no nodes pos
July MRI.
July bio pos