
Once again, thanks for the info. Everything you mention is very helpful to me now as I try to finalize and make good decision. It seems you do excellant research and find things that are truly in your best interest. For your special situation you go to MD and Sloan (no help) then somehow find U of Pitt who can help. Do you tell them all you are coming there just for a second opinion. I assume if MD or Sloan would have offered some positive prospects you would have had treatment with one of them.

I spent most of today getting CD's ready to send out. Planned to send to U of Pitt by noon but could not make it. I tried to call Sloan on Friday but never got through. Do most have you send things then meet? All my text stuff,+-500 pages I am told, is on CD.It sounds like Sloan wanted the text first and I wonder if they just wanted paper. Between MD and Sloan which did you feel best about. I guess neither since neither offered a possible solution. In my case I am hoping to find a place that will tell me that they do not have to take out my tongue and voice box. If MD, Sloan and U of Pitt can not say that then I guess all is lost for I would not know where else to look. Also, I cannot go to MD and Sloan so I am trying to pick one and wish I could figure out which might be best for my case.

Did you just fly in and out of MD on the same day? If not where did you stay.

Thanks for any info provided. It is encouraging to see that you have found a way to move forward in a positive way after being told it was not possible by a few of the best.

Last edited by nocam; 08-11-2012 08:46 PM.

2010 sore throat
Jan 2011 ENT no prob
Jun CAT no prob
July PET
July biop pos
July PEG

HPI (1-3) T2N1 squamous cell carcinoma right tongue base treatment chemo/XRT end Oct 2011.
Jan 2012 PET neg
June PET-18mm mass right tongue base pos to 7.2 SUV no nodes pos
July MRI.
July bio pos