Thanks for the comments Gloria. To answer your questions:

Doctors didn't mention drug trials - I don't think we are there yet. They did mention some chemo drugs and immunotherapy which I gathered were part of a trial and error process, so maybe they did?

Sunnybrook has been really good. I don't see any sign that they are about to send me back to my family doc. The RO, MO, surgeon and Palliative Care doctors all seem engaged in my case. I still have a calendar full of appointments (for better or worse), but I will keep an eye on them.

I had a home care nurse during chemo to administer fluids to flush the cisplatin. Honestly, I am not sure what a home nurse would do for me now. I am feeling good and living as normal a life as possible. Biggest problems are the fears and insecurities associated with facing your own mortality at an unexpectedly early juncture in life.

Thanks again, your contributions on here are always thoughtful and must take you a long time. You are obviously committed to the cause.

Last edited by Barry Toronto; 03-11-2020 01:21 PM.

Preliminary diagnosis of SqCC at base of tongue August 2, 2019.
Biopsy surgery on August 15
Confirmed sqcc from biopsy Aug 20 - hpv type 16
33 radiation treatments ended October 25, 2019.
3 (large dose) cisplatin treatments.