Thanks to all for your continued support. We went to two doses of 150mg methotrexate this week. The first dose was Tuesday and was not too bad other than draining alot of Brian's energy. He had his mom shave his head on Wed. because his hair, which has always been extremely thick, was thinning to the point of being noticable. She noticed as she used the shears that is was falling out and raised some questions to him.I hope she will not let up until he finally reveals his condition to her.
Dose two at 150 mg was last night and he woke with very little vision this morning. Can anyone tell me if this is a temporary side effect or if vision impairment is usually permanent. I am, of course , very upset and concerned with this development. Thanks for any info you may be able to offer. Teresa

CG SCC of lower gum. DX 6/09, SURGERY 7/09, MTX Started 8/09. Single RX treatment 8/18/09