Hello everyone, Brian had his biopsy last Wednesday. The cancer cells had originally been only in the top layer of tissue, but are now all the way through the tissue. The cancer cell count in the blood continues to decrease, though. He had three trips to the Dr last week. One for the biopsy and two for massive swelling. He wakes in the morning with swelling to his hands, ankles, and eyes. Is this from the HDMTX or the cancer itself? Of course, I still get no answers from him. Friday night he was wild eyed and on a "nothing you do or say is right" roll. Saturday he was back to being a sweetheart. The mood swings are massive these days with the bad moods being really bad. He has also been falling down alot. His memory and his balance are both WAY off. Dr. gave him the "short of a miracle" talk this week. Any ideas on where we stand in this ?

CG SCC of lower gum. DX 6/09, SURGERY 7/09, MTX Started 8/09. Single RX treatment 8/18/09