The greatest fear is the "Fear of the Unknown." When I was first diagnosed, I just wanted to deny that anything was wrong.
I wanted to believe it would all go away. Forunately, I didn't let myself do it. Yes, cancer is scary, but it not as scary when you have all the information. Radiation and Chemo are manageable.

I would suggest that your boyfriends doctor prescibe an anxiety and a dperession medication.

Do anything you need to do to get your boyfriend on this site, both the Foundation information and the Support Group. He needs support from people who have been there and can answer his questions.
Please keep in touch so we may help you.


Sandy 56, BOT SCC Biopsy 1/21/09 Stage 3, T3NXM0.
Finished 3 cycle induction chemotherapy 4/7/09. (Chisplatin, 5-fu and Texotere). Re-staged 4/20/09,(very successful.) Will start Carboplatin/radiation 2 Gy/5 days/7 weeks (Tomotherapy) starting May 4th. Finished 6/22/09.
OCF member/supporter