
As far as I know, there isn't a blood tests to detect oral cancer. So, I am not sure what trace you are referring to.

Do you go to the doctors with Brian? I'd just ask the doctor, if I were you. Either they had clear margins and they were telling Brian to get radiation and chemo because this cancer is so aggressive that they were working on the side of caution. Or, the margins were not clear and radiation and chemo were recommended as a measure to help save his life.

I realize Brian doesn't want to know the facts, but do YOU know the facts about how aggressive and deadly this cancer is?

C/G: Husband, 48 (at time of dx)
Dx 5/18/07 SCC, BOT, lymph node involvement. T1N2BM0. (Stage 4a, G2/3)
Tx 6/18 - 8/3/07, IMRT x 33 Cisplatin x3 (stopped after 1st dose due to hearing issues). Weekly Erbitux started 6/27/07 completed 8/6/07.