Margaret, No, he does not allow me to go to the dr with him- or for that matter - to even know which dr he is seeing. What he did tell me was that they did not take lymph nodes- they check them each time he goes, but have not performed biopsies on them. They did take blood and found very minimal traces. He was told it could spread via nodes, blood or spinal fluid ( which they also have not drawn). He also told me it was in the tissue only and had not spread to the bone. I do realize how deadly this disease is- but only from the information that I am finding on the internet. I do not think I fully realize how agressive it is. He thinks he will take 10 weeks of oral chemo (without anyone ever realizing he is taking it or without ever missing work)- get a few check-ups and that will be the end of it. I do realize that is unrealistic. Thanks for any input that you can offer. Teresa

CG SCC of lower gum. DX 6/09, SURGERY 7/09, MTX Started 8/09. Single RX treatment 8/18/09