Hello all. Can anyone tell me if they have had pain in the upper cheek bone- below the eye when laughing? I was so happy that I could finally make Brian laugh again sometimes and now every time that he does he grabs the side of his face. When I ask what is wrong he says he has a "crick in his cheek". He had a wisdom tooth cut out (that is how his cancer was found) on the upper right side. It was in the sinus cavity and that is where he seems to be hurting. Any suggestions what this is a sign or symptom of? We go from 75 mg MTX daily to a single 100 MG dose of Methotrexate once a week starting next week. That is the only update that I have on his "treatment" or lack of it. Teresa

CG SCC of lower gum. DX 6/09, SURGERY 7/09, MTX Started 8/09. Single RX treatment 8/18/09