Well, the new tube was put it today. I loved my surgeon, she looked about 21 years old, although I know she is much older. She was so good about explaining how to prevent the tube from pulling out and showing me how to pin it to my clothes instead of tucking it in my waistband as I was doing. Because I am starting to get some serious mouth and throat sores, the team avoided intubating me and I was awake for the procedure with lots of narcotics. I was able to swallow the endoscope without too much discomfort and the next thing I knew, it was done! No incision as the doc had anticipated -- Yay!! So I'm home, and a little sore, but very happy with the outcome.
And very determined to be more careful with this tube.
Christine, I keep reminding myself, as often as necessary, that all of this will someday be a distant memory