Cheers Cheryld! I read your post on my phone on the way to work the other morning. It gave me a nice extra lift. Thanks heaps smile

Hey Gabe. I definitely agree with you there. Every time I speak to a fellow Cancer patient, whether they're in remission or currently fighting.. There's just an instant bond. There's no barrier, and we can all relate to different experiences. It's very unique.

I had some personal horror stories as well. It was definitely hell, some of the experiences I've had. Some of them I guess I can't really post to a public forum.

Getting back to the Personal Training. I've met Dave #2 smile It went quite well. He's a pretty inspiring guy. He was diagnosed 3 years ago. He volunteers for cancer council rec days weekly, and has a growing client base. I've got alot of tips and ideas off him. He has an organization that fundraises to make personal training cheap for Cancer patients. It's called Live Forever, and it promotes healthy living. He took me for a session afterwards, and it went well.

He's growing his client base, and it's possible that I will be able to work with him after my course ends. It's a course that's held in fairly high regard. I have an interview on Sunday with a guy from a fitness organization, to go through details on my course. I've already spoken to the guy on the phone. We had a good chat, and he seemed quite interested in having me on board. Signs are looking good that i'll be starting the course soon.

I've kind of embraced what has happened to me. It's been good to meet people my age personally with other cancer experiences, and help each other out. I'm hoping to make the most of my 2nd chance, and do something I have a passion for. Because who knows what's in store for tomorrow.. I'm hoping to turn what happened to me into something positive.

21 @ diagnosis. Tongue cancer(SCC) non smoker,HPV negative. 11 hour Surgery (30+ glands removed-left side neck dissection, 'jaw split' for 'access'-left side tongue dissection, graft & artery from left thigh for re-construction of tongue.44 rad t'ments.4x peg.Clear PET scan 12/5/2011!