Thanks Lizzy.
They may not be able to explain it, but the changes in the disease need to be learned not only to those who may pick up the disease, but local GP's who now know that a young person can get the disease (however unlikely). Both are very important. I've never seen anything about it in the news here either. So i'll hopefully get across to someone. I'm sending through the emails tomorrow to radio stations, tv show, etc. I think sending it on a Tuesday may be better than a Monday, because everyone will be busier after the weekend. If i don't hear back from anyone i'll look at other ways to get across though.

Hey jonp. Cheers ! It'd be great to get the story on the 7pm project. Even if it's only a short part of the show. I'm sure they could do alot of good with even a short mention of the disease. I'll let people know on here if I make any progress with any stations, etc.

Those scars do a good job of telling the story don't they smile I guess i'm aiming for what got me through my battle. (family, friends, my love of football (soccer), music, etc) I'll only go ahead if i get a design i love and i won't have it in a place seen too often. We'll see what happens hehe smile
Thanks for the msg/reply,

21 @ diagnosis. Tongue cancer(SCC) non smoker,HPV negative. 11 hour Surgery (30+ glands removed-left side neck dissection, 'jaw split' for 'access'-left side tongue dissection, graft & artery from left thigh for re-construction of tongue.44 rad t'ments.4x peg.Clear PET scan 12/5/2011!