Hi Dave

I am glad you found this site..just wish you never had to. But, now that you are here, you will find so much information and support from its members. Like you, I found this site by chance, hesitated for weeks before I joined and only did so when I found my cancer had returned to my neck 4 months after my initial surgery when I discovered 1 lump in my neck that turned out to be more. What a shock it was!! I couldn't believe my luck..guess the cancer was there all along because my pathology results showed many nodes involved. It is through this site that I regained my confidence to believe I will get well. So many people here take time and care about newbies like us even though they are battling their own war against this illness.Everyone is inspiring, encouraging and most importantly they all have a sense of humour!!

My treatment starts in a couple of weeks..I am currently recovering from a radical neck dissection (2nd time)and not looking forward to radiation and chemo but I know I have to go through with it.

Sounds like you went through a lot for someone your age. There are a few of us here who are from Oz which is great!! I have made friends with a few people and we chat through FB or the phone!

I wish you all the best with your recovery Dave...keep healthy and look after yourself.


SCC of the Buccal Mucosa (R cheek)- T1N0M0.10 hour Surgery on 27/9/10 involving resection with freeflap from radial forearm..clear margins. Neck dissection..negative nodes.Trachy, NGT, no rad or chemo needed at the time. Neck lump positive for SCC..again! MND 14/2/11. Waiting to have chemo and rads