hey klo
i made it through the 44 treatments. don't ask me how! i loosely refer to it as 'hell'. and i can't describe it any better than that. the last 3 weeks felt like 3 years. i lived every second of each day. i wasn't expected to last the treatment, but it's what i needed. and i'm here to tell the story, so i can't complain smile

sorry to hear of alex. my carer or slave driver as you rightfully called it was my mum in my situation. and alot of things played their part in getting me where i am today. but i really don't think i'd be here if not for her help. if i didn't sleep, she didn't sleep. i owe her alot, but the best thanks i can give is getting better ! i have recovered well in that i'm back working outdoors.. but i've been struggling physically, but i have done better than i expected.

i'll look into the HPV. is their any benefit to finding out the cause though?

thanks for your reply. all the best,

21 @ diagnosis. Tongue cancer(SCC) non smoker,HPV negative. 11 hour Surgery (30+ glands removed-left side neck dissection, 'jaw split' for 'access'-left side tongue dissection, graft & artery from left thigh for re-construction of tongue.44 rad t'ments.4x cisplatin.no peg.Clear PET scan 12/5/2011!