Hubby had his throat scoped yesterday and everything looked "beautiful" as the Dr. said. We were so relieved. My husband's eyes filled with tears and with a quivering chin said Thanks Doc. you gave me a great Chtistmas present. He said Tom go home and enjoy your holidays!!! I was so nervous, he was complaining of his neck hurting him around his surgery site, but his Dr. said his nereve endings are coming back and it is normal to fill the tingling. Tomorrow is our 2nd pet scan. I don't know how we got through this yer, but we did. This nitemare started on Dec.6th of 07. But with the grace of God we made it so far. Once again thanks to all of you!

CG to husband 53,39 rads. 3 rds cisplastin ended 6/2/07 Tonsils removed 1.10.07 11 of 20 nodes positive- lump removed on rt. side of neck 1/26/07 cancer of nasal pharnyx TXN2MX 2nd rd. of chemo- carbo/taxol on 6/11/07