ok back from the Drs. Thanks so much Amy for your words. You will never know how much they are appreciated. And if I haven't said it before I am so sorry for your loss. I bet you were wonderful to your husband.

Everything was a good report bp ok, heart ok ,blood work ok, his throat is still very raw. he even gained 3 lbs. I told the Dr. must be all the chicken broth! We have decided not to have the last 2 chemos. The Dr. was ok with that as he has completed the first regimine that was prescribed and these were just additional.The first words of hope I heard from my husband was "Dr.I am ready to start to get better now"! So... heres to a good day.

CG to husband 53,39 rads. 3 rds cisplastin ended 6/2/07 Tonsils removed 1.10.07 11 of 20 nodes positive- lump removed on rt. side of neck 1/26/07 cancer of nasal pharnyx TXN2MX 2nd rd. of chemo- carbo/taxol on 6/11/07