Well, we didn't do the egg. he said he was just to sore to try. I am at my wits end. I know this is tough but you have to try. He tells me I don't have a clue what it is like. I am a 7 yr. breast survivor and had 37 rads but no chemo. so I don't know about the chemo.I was extremly tired with the rads so I can sympathize in that. Oh well, thanks for listening. Tomorrow is a new day!

CG to husband 53,39 rads. 3 rds cisplastin ended 6/2/07 Tonsils removed 1.10.07 11 of 20 nodes positive- lump removed on rt. side of neck 1/26/07 cancer of nasal pharnyx TXN2MX 2nd rd. of chemo- carbo/taxol on 6/11/07