I have been away from this forum for awhile because of computer problems so now am going back and catching up on some posts. I was reading about the dentist asking you to speak about the use of smokeless tobacco. Did your husband chew and for how long? I'm curious did his drs. ever tell him that's what caused the cancer. My husband chewed for almost 20yrs. The drs. never came out and said that's what did it. I guess they figured he felt bad enough why put salt in the wounds. Everytime I see a kid buying that stuff or cigerettes I just want to scream. The other day when I was in the gas station a kid was short 25 cents for his pack of cigerettes. The sales rep from some tobacco company was in there dropping off is cancer sticks and told the kid not to worry about it he would cover the difference. The kid was happy and the man was just so proud of himself for his "good deed". I could of just kicked him. I think instead of the written warning labels on those products they should start having pictures of people who have suffered from these cancer killers. Don't they say pictures speak a thousand words?


Caregiver - I have found the true meaning to that word in the last few months.