As both a lawyer and College English major, I've found language to be a lot of fun. Like the word: moot
Moot's two different meanings
Another commentator summed it up this way:
[quote]The confusion over the meaning of moot point is modern. It is a misunderstanding of another sense of moot for a discussion forum in which hypothetical cases are argued by law students for practice. Since there is no practical outcome of these sessions, and the cases are invented anyway, people seem to have assumed that a moot point means one of no importance. So we�ve seen a curious shift in which the sense of �open to debate� has become �not worth debating�.[/quote]

Moot court is still part of all law schools and thanks to the magic of TV legal shows faux courtroom scenes, almost everyone uses "moot" to mean futile, of no practical consequence or already overtaken by some other action just like Phrannie's post. Although with over 264 thousand views of this thread, perhaps this endeavor is moot in the original sense after all.
Your morning dose of etymology courtesy of Charm

Last edited by Charm2017; 05-08-2012 05:09 AM. Reason: typos

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