That is exactly how I felt at the beginning. It is so true. The one's I do not want to talk to about it are the one's that ask me how i am doing and how my tongue is. All I can say is doing well all the while I am trying to firgure out how they knew since I never told them. smile
[quote=AmyK]have you all noticed that the people you want to talk to about it, don't want to talk about it and the ones you don't want to say another word are the very ones that wont shut up? What's with that?

My boss tried to compare his sunburned back to my trimus pain last week. [/quote]

31 at Dx.
DX: 4/30/09, 10/21/09 SCC on floor of mouth,
TX: 39 IMRT, 8 cisplatin 11/30/09
PET/CT: 11/03/09: Lymph node involvement
PEG/PORT: 11/09
TX end: 02/01/10
PET Scan: 04/05/10 clear
PEG Out: 06/21/10
Biopsy: 12/23/10: fibrosis
HBO: 01/04/11 - ORN
Baby girl born 11-30-12