[quote=KenEggman]Funny. Some much of what people say is rhetorical and do not warrant an answer lest they get a truthful answer and run away crying. How are you? Do you really want to ask that question?

I have been a very sarcastic person most of my life short, usually not verbalizing all my thoughts, but later enjoying the stupidity of mankind as a reflection of WTF.

Not sure how I will respond when the questions roll in, sure do not want to offend those with good intentions. [/quote]

There were only a few times where I told the truth (the day they found my second tumor) and it wasn't that good. It was like other people were more emotional and down about it than I was. Seeing other people get all quivery didn't help me stay in a good mind-frame so now I just say "good" when they ask how I am. Hopefully they understand and just encourage instead of pitty.

8/24/11- SCC stage3:tongue reconstruct from left arm & radical neck, feeding tube,trache.
3/28/12- SCC:radical neck again,chemo/radiation.
Started Cisplatin/radiation 5/2/12. Finished 6/13/12.
37yr old male.
7/19/13: All checks/scans have been good. Body weight and strength have return.