Thanks Nancy for keep spreading the word. When you are ready to do an event, let me know. Would love to help!

Suzanne, love your response! YOu are too funny! But everything you said is right on! I think the same way when it comes to oral cancer. I think my brother would rather have anything cut off than his tongue. Not being able to communicate or have a drink or eat your favorite food, one of lifes greatest pleasures, is a horrible horrible thing to deal with. People just dont know, they need to be aware. Hearing all of you confirms by determination to keep going with awareness events and screenings!

Susan Lauria - OCF Director of Events - Always looking for volunteers to help spread the word about early detection! Contact me if you can help!

*Brother passed away from tongue cancer in 2006 at age 47, was co-caregiver, he was non-smoker/casual drinker