Thanks Charm--but I think it was just because she is so clueless... LOL It got to the point where I just laughed because it was so completly ridiculous!

I have some good ones regarding my MS also--when I had to go on partial disability because I couldn't work full days anymore, I worked half days. Without fail, someone would always say in the elevater when I was leaving "you are so lucky that you only have to work a half day" and I used to tell them--"hey, all you have to do is get a debilating illness and you can work half days too-Wanna switch?"

I had a friend who had bladder cancer and had to have her bladder along with all organs that could be removed taken out --but no chemo. When she healed enouph to return to some activities a "gentleman" in the same dog club walked in, saw her and said "Oh hi, welcome back--you have all of your hair, I was expecting you to be bald" That was so shocking, that even I had nothing to say....

SCC, R Lateral tongue, T1N0M0, Diag: 3/15/10
38 yrs old at diag HPV Neg, Non Smoker Non Drinker
4/12/10 Partial Glossectomy, No Rads or Chemo
7/15/10 excision biopsy L mid posterior tongue - NEGATIVE