My husband's "passion" is cooking. He is always watching the cooking channel even through all his treatments and loves trying new recipes. Yes I do know how to cook but I don't really like to and since he does, he has ALWAYS cooked our meals. When John became unable to eat by mouth which lasted for about 4 months I did manage somehow to cook and keep myself alive. John has lost 30 lbs even with the PEG which was removed in July. He is now eating again but it is a struggle. He has no appetite and food that he used to love doesn't taste the same and worse yet is the texture of foods.
More than one person has said to me "you just need to learn how to cook John some good meals and fatten him up". So evidently John's lack of taste, appetite and desire to eat and gain weight is due to my inability to cook. I don't know how I kept my 2 kids alive for 7 years while I was a single parent.