My best friend asked me, "Hey, Barb, cat got your tongue?" I laughed til I cried, then laughed some more.

My brother listened while I explained about the skin graft taken from my leg, and he finally said, "So I guess after this, you'll be running at the mouth."

I know, my humor's a little on the crude side, but, sometimes, ya gotta laugh to keep from crying.

Last edited by beeboppin5; 09-01-2010 05:07 PM.

Teacher aged 48, SCC Left side and floor of Tongue, Dx December, 2009. Stage II T2 N0 M0 Successful partial glossectomy surgery with thigh flap and neck dissection 3/8/10. 6 weeks of radiation tx ended 6/30/10. Happily surviving!

"Get outside every day. Miracles are waiting everywhere."