David, I'm actually afraid if we asked this guy to put a rush on the report we would get one of two responses"I'm sorry, who are you again?" or what happened with you. He'd put a "rush" on and we'd hear in three weeks.
Jerry, I've heard really good stuff about Temple. We are lucky we live near such good places.
What's puzzling me(well, about three thousand things) but is the whole dx on sight thing.
I hear loud and clear what everyone is saying about wait for the biopsy(or I guess the MRI since it seems we might get that back first).

But the thing about recognizing CA on sight is confusing. He looked at it and pronounced it CA with "100 percent certainty." But it looks different today than when he went in.I'm guessing the stopping smoking is helping it slowly heal. So, if it changes visually wouldn't that make for a lot of wrong or missed diagnosis???

CG to Spouse BOT, Chemo and radiation started on March 29,2010
Ended on May 14,2010. LET THE HEALING BEGIN!!!