u will eventually get a biopsy from one of the drs. its inevitable.

the lymph node involvement means the cancer has spread..that will determine daves staging, along with other factors. but as others have posted...its very common. so dont be frightened by that. it was the lymph node involvement that caught my hubbys cancer so it was a blessing of sorts.

ok, so now im taking over ur thread...lol. hope i was of some help.

CG to ANDY. Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma (NPC)
T2N2cMxG4 stage 4. 43 @ dx 8/31/09
tx 9/21/09-11/06/09 cispatin/docetaxel/5-FU X3
PORT 9/9/09, PEG 12/07/09
35 IMRT-1/wk carbo 11/30/09-2/3/10
tx stopped due to complications
IMRT BOOST 3/08-3/12/10
PET 4/12/10 CLEAR!
PEG out 4/14/10