Thanks, I was wondering how folks felt about Sloan. I'm a native New Yorker so I grew up with that's the place to go. I just read the stuff on them and I like what they have to say.
Kelly, you actually answered another question I had(and eloquently too). I keep feeling this since of urgency. I hate to keep bringing up this Dr but he also said you only have one shot so you want to make it your best shot. Also, someone here mentioned that tongue cancer is particularly aggressive.

Good point on the tests not needing to be interpreted. I spoke to my husband about the recommendations here and he called an MD friend to get some names. Turns out two of them are from Sloan. One is at Beth Israel. Not quite sure how to decide...
In people's experience when you have gone for a second(someone said a third too) opinion will the MD accept the tests ordered by the previous doctor? I guess I'm wondering if they will want their own MRI and PET.
Also, can someone point me towards some threads(or websites?) that discuss these tests.
I am absolutely planning on sticking around. I feel better every time I come on and hopefully one day I can return the favor.
Oh, I did ask Dave if he did anything with the nodes. He just felt them and said he was concerned based on both of them feeling hard. Thought that represented the involvement on both sides.

Last edited by SusanW; 02-05-2010 05:27 PM.

CG to Spouse BOT, Chemo and radiation started on March 29,2010
Ended on May 14,2010. LET THE HEALING BEGIN!!!