Brian,I did read that. In fact I poured over it. Whoever wrote that did an excellent job of putting it in lay person's terms.
I guess I'm puzzled by what was actually biopsied. Again, the more I read around here, the more I understand that part of the confusion stems from the original visit.
Now, however, I feel more prepared in knowing what to ask.
I did just suggest to Dave that we postpone the MRI till the biopsy returns but he wants to go forward. Again, his decision. I won the ensure battle though...
we absolutely will not be dealing with that Dr again. There is no point. I would love to not deal with any Dr but if needed, Sloan it is.
Jerry, thanks for your post. It provided clarity.
Really , again thank you to everyone.

CG to Spouse BOT, Chemo and radiation started on March 29,2010
Ended on May 14,2010. LET THE HEALING BEGIN!!!