David, we have an MRI scheduled for tomorrow and the PET scheduled for Friday. Does this seem premature to you?
when I came on here and everyone was emphatic about wait for the biopsy, it made so much sense to me. But I'm telling you it is hard to not respond to this guy's certainty and urgency.
Ok so, I'm now understanding that met can be near or far essentially. Somehow I always associated it with CA being widespread. Thanks for clearing that up.

The "gash" ( I really don't know a better word) to use is what started this whole journey. Interestingly, before we thought about CA I went on the web(not always a good place to be) and could not find a picture of it anywhere but your description is pretty good. It's on the side of his tongue towards the back and is just like a deep open cut. Like I said the not smoking has helped it to become smaller. When he first showed me, it was very visible as soon as he opened his mouth. Now when he opens his mouth I have to look with a flashlight.
I did think it was weird the Dr didn't treat it (no matter what he thinks it is) it's uncomfortable when Dave eats. That said, his appetite is still good and he is eating away as recommended.
Theresa, I totally know what you mean about dust bunnies becoming your new pets. It's all about perspective,isn't it?

CG to Spouse BOT, Chemo and radiation started on March 29,2010
Ended on May 14,2010. LET THE HEALING BEGIN!!!