I hope it's ok that I'm answering so much. I don't want to seem like I'm trying to dominate here. It's just a relief to talk to people who get it.
I won't be surprised if it is cancer. I do know that cells do look irregular sometimes. I'm not sure how he can tell about the nodes except by feel. We're also not talking much about his recommendations about tx since it seems pre mature. Also just from reading posts here,I see there is a huge variation of treatment types.
We do have the MRI and PET schedule as I mentioned(both next week). Should we meet with a CCC center in the meantime or wait for the results. I'm not really sure I want this guy interpreting them.

CG to Spouse BOT, Chemo and radiation started on March 29,2010
Ended on May 14,2010. LET THE HEALING BEGIN!!!