He wasn't a young Dr that was part of what freaked me out. And is part of my feeling that he knew he was looking at something so severe that chances were Dave wouldn't make it and he was having to tell him that.
Brian, if I'm reading what you are saying right his style wasn't good but chances are through sight and symptoms he was able to identify that Dave is in later stages.
Is it more common that it has metastis if there is bi lateral involvement? That is probably why he said he didn't like that the nodes were swollen on both sides.
I just am trying to be careful here because from my understanding nodes can swell from colds or allergies(both of which Dave have right now).
I guess the Drs reaction has me fighting negative thoughts (without concrete reasons) because why else would he be so nervous?

I can certainly be the New Yorker if I need to. He told us it would take at least a week to set up the first test. I have the MRI scheduled for this Monday!!! I will also call Monday to see when the biopsy will come back.

Last edited by SusanW; 02-06-2010 02:45 AM.

CG to Spouse BOT, Chemo and radiation started on March 29,2010
Ended on May 14,2010. LET THE HEALING BEGIN!!!